Wednesday, December 31, 2014

(Copenhagen) Slow Start

We overslept our alarm by five hours today. By the time we woke up, went to the grocery store (which is 40 feet from our door) and ate breakfast it was 3:00 - which meant we just barely saw the sunset.

But that does not mean the sky has been dark tonight. Since we landed yesterday there has been continuous firework displays coming from seemingly every patch of open space in the city.  The fireworks reached their apex shortly after midnight tonight where the official and unofficial fireworks were indistinguishable over the city.  We spent about an hour on the Brygges Island riverfront watching, and preparing to be hit by, fireworks. And even now, at 1:15, the fireworks and noise bombs continue to ricochet around Copenhagen.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

(Copenhagen) On the Road Again

It feels great to be travelling internationally again! Nearly 29 hours after we started this trip we have arrived at our apartment in Copenhagen.

But before we got here we made the most of our six hour layover in Zurich and left the airport to spend the afternoon walking around the city center and grabbing some lattes. The city itself is nice, but the ambiance of it was taken to another level by the snow-globe perfect snowfall all afternoon.  And while we wish we had more time to check the city out, Zurich may be a city better visited with a few more dollars in the wallet ($7.50 for one latte?).

And now we finally sleep!