Today was our last full day in Oslo. Despite each of us spending 15 minutes drip-drying this morning (our dispute with our host is ongoing), we got underway just after sun-up to make the most of it.
The first stop was the Viking Museum, which is essentially a preservation of three buried Viking ships and other belongings recently found around Oslo. The 1100 year old ships themselves were the main attraction and they were impressive to see in person. But, the museum also had some artifacts that depicted life, albeit royal/elite life, during Viking times that were worth seeing.
After the Vikings we sauntered past the administrative looking Royal Palace before we got up to speed on more contemporary Norwegian contributions at the National Gallery, which just happened to be free on Sundays. While we went to see Munch's famous "Scream," we both really enjoyed his "Self Portrait with Cigarette" in addition to the Norwegian landscapes and other works at the Gallery.
Afteewards our final tourist stop was Oslo's new showpiece Opera House that is designed to look like an iceberg and was, appropriately, buffered by ice when we arrived at sunset.
But that was not the end of our day. With seven hours until our overnight train to Bergen departed we still had time for a cheap, excellent Vietnamese dinner and a movie (Imitation Game) because you gotta stay warm over here.
But now we are settled into Carriage No. 7 and preparing to set off for an eight hour trip to Bergen, salty potato chips and Cliff Bars in had.
The light in your pictures is far sounds like a great trip. Hope you are getting to sleep on the train.