Monday, September 12, 2016

Post-Empire(s) (Carmona & Cordoba, Andalusia, Spain)

We finally got up before sunrise!

So we made time for a stop in Carmona en route to Cordoba. Carmona's only real notoriety is being the first significant establishment east of Sevilla. That, and presumably it's piousness (lots of folks attending various masses, on a Monday).

Until we happened upon its real treasure: Paradores Carmona, a former Islamic fort turned Christian castle, turned hotel.

Our original plan when we entered the hotel was to get a coffee on the terrace to enjoy the view, but our only option at that early hour was the buffet in a restored great hall. So buffet it was. 

On a full stomach, we continued on our way to Cordoba, another city content in its Post-Empire malaise. This stop has us staying at probably the nicest apartment of our journey, on the main thoroughfare by the Guadalquivar River.

The main site here is the Mesquite - originally a Roman - Christian temple.

Turned Muslim mosque, which was expanded on a number of occassions.

In the middle of which  (seriously) Christians subsequently built an enormous cathedral, and on top of which Christians turned a minaret into a belltower.

Aftwerwards, we wandered the cities kissing alleys and admired the old Roman bridge.

Afterwards, we unwound with a bottle of wine provided by Lucas and learned that we over-acxlimated to eating late. By the time we got around to going out all the restaurants had closed. So ice cream had to do!

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