Wednesday, June 6, 2012

(Munich, Germany to Bologna, Italy) An Alpine Train Ride

Yesterday we left Munich for Bologna via a train we made with our customary 3 minutes to spare. The ride itself was fantastic and despite our 2nd class status (they haven't learned to call it coach yet) we had our own 'room' to enjoy the Austrian and Italain Alps. After arriving in Bologna but before learning where it is on a map we took a trip with our hosts Andrea and Susanna to Parma, the namesake of the cheese. Unfortunately we left our camera behind so don't have any pictures but it is a great, lively small city that was still going strong at midnight on a Tuesday when we left.

And 21 hours and 3 countries after the day began we finally found the bed!!

Bologna Travel Information

 - Train Information: Intercity train from Munich to Bologna, Italy.
 - Bus: City bus from Bologna CBD to our lodging (really difficult to find, and being Italy not any particular schedule).
 - Lodging: AirBNB with Andrea.  About $55 USD for a neat private room.
 - Transport: Payed for individual fares on bus.  Not sure how many people on the bus are actually paying though.

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