Thursday, June 14, 2012

A trip to Europe would not be complete without...

A public demonstration over austerity and that is exactly what we got after our morning espresso at Barberini piazza.

From what we can tell it was either public sector or manufacturing unions who are upset about having their pensions cut (go figure) but what was really interesting was the number of different police agencies deployed and there levels of armament. In order of deadliness we saw: Roma Capitale, Roma Polizia, Caribineiri and finally the Guardia di Finanza which we originally though had to do with finance but were way wrong.

Outside of that it was an uneventful day where we essentially killed time in the park Villa Borghese and visited the EUR district (really nice, calm and green) before watching Italy and Croatia tie (this time a bad outcome for Italy). In a few hours we head to the airport so until then we will probably sit on the balcony and talk loudly because when in Rome...

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